15th September 20
In our first week back, the girls have settled in wonderfully and have been discussing the St. Anthony’s Way and how we can embody this in our daily lives.
The St. Anthony’s Way
We are Kind
We are Curious
We are Inspiring
We are Respectful
We are Always Forgiving
It is so wonderful to listen to each girl’s interpretation and how they are working together in the St. Anthony’s Way.
Lessons and learning are in full swing. The girls have been problem solving in Maths with Year 1, Year 3 and Year 4 using QR Codes and Maths Raps in their lessons. In English the girls are writing poems, performing poetry and working collaboratively within their different class texts. Our Reception Class have embarked on their Learning Journey and Miss Jo will be documenting their journeys each week.
See below for galleries of the girls’ work on St. Anthony’s Way and our exciting new subject displays.